Bart the Bear has his trainer's entire head in his mouth.

Terrible Ideas


Dan Jewett

Kilroy is watching you.

January 6, 2021 Capitol rioters standing on the podium of the us House of Representatives.

Hey everybody! Look at me! I’m a moron!

The best way I can think of to describe the current status of the GOP is "malevolent inanity."

The elevation of nonsensical, yet still hateful, rhetoric whose sole intention is to rile up the aggrieved, while not new, is now the primary (only?) strategy of the GOP's desperate attempt to maintain relevance and cling to power.

You can see a good example of the result by watching the New Yorker video of the invasion of the senate chamber at the U.S. Capitol. President Trump, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, et al. managed to animate a cadre of pathetic golems taking the form of giant toddlers. Overgrown preschool escapees whose power resides in falling on the floor and shitting themselves.

Remember when your kids first discovered that pushing a plate of food off the high-chair tray resulted in all kinds of excitement and chaos? That's these guys.

The bar for becoming a freedom fighter is now low enough to step over. You just have to be willing to zip-tie the constitution to a chair.

First Paragraph:

“I was stunned by Mary Karr’s memoir, The Liars’ Club. Not just by its ferocity, its beauty, and by her delightful grasp of the vernacular, but by its totality—she is a woman who remembers everything about her early years.”

—Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

I found a copy of this book at The Dusty Bookshelf here in Lawrence, KS today. It's reputation proceeds it but I would have purchased it on the strength of the epigram alone.

“When someone is honestly 55% right, that’s very good and there’s no use wrangling. And if someone is 60% right, it’s wonderful, it’s great luck, and let him thank God. But what’s to be said about 75% right? Wise people say this is suspicious. Well, and what about 100% right? Whoever says he’s 100% right is a fanatic, a thug, and the worst kind of rascal."

—An old Jew of Galicia_

First Paragraph:

"It was only toward the middle of the twentieth century that the inhabitants of many European countries came, in general unpleasantly, to the real­ization that their fate could be influenced directly by intricate and abstruse books of philosophy. Their bread, their work, their private lives began to depend on this or that decision in disputes on principles to which, until then, they had never paid any attention. In their eyes, the philosopher had always been a sort of dreamer whose divagations had no effect on real­ity. The average human being, even if he had once been exposed to it, wrote philosophy off as utterly impractical and useless. Therefore the great intellec­tual work of the Marxists could easily pass as just one more variation on a sterile pastime. Only a few in­dividuals understood the causes and probable conse­quences of this general indifference.

—Czeslaw Milosz, The Captive Mind

Photo of smiling Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams.

Among my many faults, I count a certain baseline cynicism as one I would like to overcome.

I can excuse myself to some extent by pointing out that many humans I share this planet with seem capable of a never-ending stream of selfishness and awful behavior.

But then, a fellow human steps up and gives the lie to all my negativity.

It’s a shame that news of the moronic exploits of our nation's worst citizens, and the leaders who manipulate them into those behaviors, so often overshadows the heroism and faith of someone like Stacey Abrams.

What Ms. Abrams and her organization Fair Fight Action accomplished in Georgia last week, and in the many months of work leading up to the Georgia election run-offs, is the sort of accomplishment that should not be quickly forgotten.

You can dress up like a nut job, scream and yell and hurt people, smash windows and furniture, and call for the blood of your opponents, or, you can be a true patriot and work to make people’s lives better.

Stacey Abrams believes in our democracy and she has demonstrated that by doing the real work of trying to preserve it. I love her for that, and I love her for keeping my cynicism at bay.

We can and should learn from her example.

A nice thing about living in Lawrence, KS is the increased likelihood that you will get to say the word Wakarusa1.

Try it. Wah-kah-roo-sah! It feels pretty good, yeah?

  1. The etymology of the name "Wakarusa" is not known. According to tradition, the name is from a Native American language, meaning "knee-deep in mud." A more recent source claims a settler named it after a location in Kansas. 


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