I began to move towards zero carbohydrate consumption earlier this year. It was not sudden and I had dallied and experimented with the concept for a while before that. I experienced periods of low-carb intake followed by periods of complete loss of appetite control. The intensity of the binge-eating was alarming and prompted me to be more serious about the experiment.
All posts tagged as: health-lifestyle
Approaching the final steps of dismantling my coffee infrastructure. Down to decaf these last weeks. Time to replace the ritual itself. #removealljoy
Well gang, I guess it’s time I confess that I’ve been posting these last few months from my cell in a remote Russian gulag.
I finally received a second pillow for good behavior.
This time Big D doesn’t stand for Dan, it stands for the other thing.
Living as a bachelor, I’ve tried to make an effort not to engage in those stereotypical behaviors that make it so clear why one might…deserve to be a bachelor. Like never cleaning the bathroom.
Not big on plugging product, but I’ve had an amazing experience with a pair of walking shoes I thought I’d pass along.
My daughter is now on her third ‘Razor’ scooter.
The first was taken from the backyard. Based on the timing, I suspect one of the lawn guys but…
Mark Morford of the San Francisco Chronicle provides some perspective