
I’m Dan Jewett.

November 2019

I currently live in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. I returned here a little over a year ago from New York where I lived for the better part of the last twenty years. I lived in the Village of Tarrytown on the Hudson River to be more specific.

Updated: 2021-03-27

I now live in Lawrence, KS. I moved over from Kansas City in the Fall of 2020 in order to become the coach of the University of Kansas Crew (rowing team.)

I made this website to have a place to put all my stuff so I wouldn’t be tempted to put it in the social media silos. That pretty much guarantees that I’m the only one who will ever see it, and I’m coming to terms with that. Slowly. Releasing myself from the tyranny of the “like” notification is not easy.

Generally, you can expect to see items about how I experience music, daily life, and other people’s thoughts and writing. Also, plenty of links to things I think are worth mentioning.

The word Colophon should go here, but I can’t bring myself to use it.

Anyway, the site is built with the WordPress publishing platform and the theme (the way it looks,) was built by me from scratch and is called “Terrible.” Go ahead. I know you got jokes.

Over the years I’ve recreated the site multiple times under different names with various software. MovableType, Django, Ghost and 11ty are some of the platforms I’ve used and recently, I’ve succumbed again to the heavy gravitational pull of the aforementioned WordPress.

The font is from the free Google Fonts repository and is called Zilla Slab.

The site calendar’s title, Bucket of Ashes, is a reference to the epigraph of Carl Sandburg’s poem Four Preludes on Playthings of the Wind

The Moments section of the site is intended as a Twitter-like feed of short form mind blips in something approximating realtime. It’s actually the best place to see what music I’m listening to during the day if you are interested in such.

Each day, I try to remember to change the overall accent color of the site. The name of Today’s Color comes from the Name That Color Project. I choose whatever strikes my fancy, the only guidelines being "dark enough to see," and "somewhat different from the previous day."

The list of people I’m following contains some of the heavy hitters in the blogging community so you should definitely check them out.

Here’s my email address, please feel free: dan@terribleideas.me

Crank up your RSS reader and add me at: https://terribleideas.me/feed/

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